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About the Project

The After the Plague project was a 5 year project (2016-21) investigating burials in medieval Cambridge. The project was funded by the Wellcome Trust, and the McDonald Institute, St. John’s College and the Cambridge Archaeological Unit. We are particularly grateful to the staff of the Cambridge Archaeological Unit for their ongoing support and expertise. The Cambridge County Council Archaeological Service kindly loaned us archaeological collections for study.


This website was authored by J. Robb, in collaboration with the "After the Plague" project team. It was designed by Andrea Lorenz.

After the Plague team

Project Participants


Principal Investigator: John Robb


Ancient DNA and Genetics: Ruoyun Hui, Christiana Scheib, Toomas Kivisild, Eugenia D’Atanasio 

Archaeological and Historical Researcher: Craig Cessford 

Social bioarchaeology and osteobiography: Sarah Inskip 

Palaeopathologists: Jenna Dittmar and Piers Mitchell 


Geometric Morphometrics: Jay Stock and Bram Mulder

Isotope analyses: Alice Rose and Tamsin O’Connell

Public Outreach Officer: Sarah-Jane Harknett

Data preparation: Jess Thompson 


Artist reconstructions: Mark Gridley (

Maps: Vicki Herring 



Department of Archaeology

Downing Street
CB2 3DZ Cambridge

©2023 by After the Plague.

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